Checklist for acceptable proof of college tuition expenses.Checklist for acceptable proof of child and dependent relationship.

Checklist for acceptable proof of child or dependent care expenses.Checklist for acceptable proof of wages and withholding.Review our checklists to ensure you include everything we need in your response:.How to respond to an RFI letter (Form DTF-948 or DTF-948-O) You do not need to request electronic communications to view this letter in the application. If you received an RFI letter, you can view it in your Individual Online Services account using our Respond to Department Notice application. We need to verify information about income or loss for a partnership, S corporation, or trust.We need information to verify the rental real estate income or loss you claimed.You claimed a dependent deduction and we need to verify the dependent's Social Security number or date of birth (see Checklist for acceptable proof of a child or dependent).